Find out 9 situations were our tests are recommended

Meet legal obligations
ITM has all the approvals and accreditations for the inspection of tanks pipes in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Loss of prime ?
The cause can be : defective check valve, untight suction pipe, air intake on the fuel dispenser,…

Localize a leak
You want to know the exact location of a leak in order to put the distribution back into service as quickly as possible ?
You are that an undergournd pipe has a leak in its buried or inaccessible portion, and you want to locate it precisely in order to limit the costs of repairs and embarrassment related to the work …

Third-party inspection for new tanks and pipes
In 2018, 78% of service stations with new tanks and pipes had at least 1 leaks.
Be sure that the tightness of your tanks and pipes is reliable and performed by a third-party.
If your pipes are double-walled we can assure you their tightness by a patented and fast method.
Do not hesitate to come to us for advice!

Why is your leak detection system in alarm ?
- Your leak detection system is in alarm and you want to know why ?
- This alarm doesn’t mean necessarly a leak in your tank.
ITM has developed specific control equipment and a structured approach to independently assess the tightness of the interstitial space as well as the other accessories that make up the leak detection system. Thanks to this expertise, ITM is able to identify the untight element (internal envelope, external envelope, connecting pipe, …)

Water in fuel ?
Serving water to customers instead of fuel can scratch your brand image for a long time.
ITM expertise your installation and locate the problem.

Know the origin of a pollution
The origin of a pollution can be multiple: accidental spill during filling operation, pipe connection that oozes, breakthrough pipe, historic pollution, …
You want to know if it’s TIGHT or UNTIGHT

Why stock differences ?
Statistical Inventory Reconciliation indicates stock differences and you have already check you pump meters
You want to confirm or not if it’s robbery, reconciliation error, imprecise jauging, leak,…

Determine from where are coming vapour gas
An accumulation of gasoline vapors can lead to multiple risks (explosion, respiratory poisoning). We have the ability to precisely locate the untight element on your installation at the origin of these gasoline vapors.
Do not hesitate to come to us for advice!
Our clients are petroleum companies, inspection bodies, industries and dealers.